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How to Install Latest Composer on Windows 10/11

By |January 21st, 2024|Categories: Programming Tutorials|Tags: , , , |

Composer is an Essential Software used for Packaging and Dependency Management. What is Dependency Management - You may have seen one software project using multiple libraries which are dependencies. And when taking this project to another computer you have to take the libraries and supporting softwares with it. This [...]

How to Install Latest PHP Version 8.2 / 8.3 on Windows 10/11

By |January 21st, 2024|Categories: Programming Tutorials|Tags: , , , |

Step 1 Download PHP 8.2 from https://windows.php.net/download/ Zip [30.28MB] -> Download This Step 2 Create Folder in your C:\ Directory “php82” and Extract the downloaded zip file to this folder with all it’s files being extracted to the folder as root folder ie. No subfolder is required Step 3 [...]

Why you should use WordPress to create your website (Still in 2024)

By |May 2nd, 2023|Categories: News, Web Design, Wordpress|

New Edit - WordPress is Free There is no additional charges to use WordPress, Unlike many other CMS that will have a paid features to extend it's capabilities. It's Easiest Framework to Setup Most Hosting Providers have one-click Install Option for WordPress Many Free Plugins that can help you grow [...]

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